The Flash Season 6 Episode 3 Review: Dead Man Running

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Well, well, well, if it isn't a new Wells.

Harrison "Nash" Wells arrived on The Flash Season 6 Episode 3 baring quite a resemblance to a certain treasure hunting archeologist. In other words, this Wells is a badass.

There were not many scenes with him, given Barry's and Killer Frost's investigation into the new meta created by Ramsey Rosso. However, Nash still stole the show as Tom Cavanagh usually does.

Iris West - The Flash Season 6 Episode 3

Iris' bright-eyed, stubborn intern Allegra first discovered the "return" of Harrison Wells. Iris, knowing that the multiverse exists, quickly took over and enlisted Cisco for help.

After they found Nash, Iris tased him, and they kidnapped him. You know, usual Team Flash stuff.

Cisco: Newsflash Nash, we've actually done this dance before.
Nash: Is that right?
Cisco: That's right. It usually starts off rocky, especially between you and me. But, eventually we bond and you learn to embrace that sensitive side. So why don't you just drop the act? And show me that warm, compassionate, smart guy that I know you to be.

When Nash woke up, he revealed to them that he is on their Earth in search for Eternium. Which, after a lengthy internet search conducted by myself, does not exist in our reality.

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He got away, and at the end of The Flash Season 6 Episode 3 seemed to have found what he was looking for.

Nash was an absolute delight to watch as he butted heads with Cisco and had a weird dynamic with Iris. Here's to hoping that all of his interactions with Team Flash are just as fascinating to watch.

Barry and Killer Frost - The Flash Season 6 Episode 3

The main story of The Flash Season 6 Episode 3 featured an angry Killer Frost and a frustarted Barry Allen.

After Barry told the rest of the team that he saw their deaths among the billion futures shown to him through Jay Garrick's help, Frost was visibly upset.

Killer Frost: I don't want to die when I've just started living! Okay? I finally have the chance to live a life and now this stupid Crisis is gonna take it all away?
Barry: I know, it's not fair.
Killer Frost: Did you know that Baskin Robbins has 31 different flavors? I might die before I get to figure out which one is my favorite. Or what my favorite song is. Or have my first birthday party. 30 years of existing and I've never had one. That really sucks.

Barry decided she would be the first one he would prepare for his inevitable death, but became irritated when Frost almost intentionally killed Romero, Ramsey's metahuman.

They eventually had a heart-to-heart where Frost revealed that she did not want to die just as she was starting to live her own life, separate from Caitlin's.

Killer Frost - The Flash Season 6 Episode 3

Barry adorably tried to help her gain experiences she's never had before by throwing her first birthday party. The guest list: Team Flash and a bunch of criminals.

Barry, Iris, Cisco, Frost, and Ralph were finally able to let go and have some fun. But, that only lasted for a few minutes as Barry decided to tell them the truth about his upcoming death.

What a mood killer.

Barry and Iris - The Flash Season 6 Episode 3

Now, we all know that Barry is very unlikely to die on this year's crossover event. But, that does not mean it hurts any less every time Barry talks about his "inescapable" death.

Plus, Grant Gustin is an amazing crier and hits his stride when playing sad Barry. When Barry hurts, we all hurt.

Barry has seemingly accepted his death. The selfless person he is, Barry knows that his death is the only way to save millions. It will be interesting to see how they save him on the Crisis because his death is unacceptable.

Barry and Ramsey - The Flash Season 6 Episode 3

Whereas Barry has made peace with his death, Ramsey is ready to go down swinging. And, by swinging, that means he will take down anyone that gets in his way.

Related: The Flash Season 6 Episode 2 Review: A Flash of the Lightning

Ramsey has HLH just like his mother, but he refuses to be a "coward" like her and tries to fight the disease with everything he's got.

That includes making what can only be called his children. By the end of The Flash Season 6 Episode 3, Ramsey realizes that in making Romero a metahuman, Romero's blood is what can cure his HLH.

Ramsey Rosso - The Flash Season 6 Episode 3

From now on, Ramsey, driven by his selfishness, will conduct human trials. Which, I take to mean that he is going to kill a lot of people and then use their blood to further his discovery.

Killing people is always a great way to save lives, right?

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

On The Flash Season 6 Episode 1 and The Flash Season 6 Episode 2, Ramsey did not seem like much of a villain. However, after seeing him interact with Barry, we are for sure in for a great season with an interesting villain.

Especially because Ramsey is not a speedster. Been there, done that.

Ralph and Cisco - The Flash Season 6 Episode 3

Ralph's mom Debbie showed up in a not so pleasant manner.

She had gotten arrested for allegedly robbing a pawnshop at gunpoint. She claimed she was there five hours before the robbery happened and had an alibi because she was gambling at the time of the robbery.

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Side note: How can the pawnshop manager ID her as the robber when she was in the shop several hours before it occurred? Either The Flash writers ran out of ideas or the manager is that dumb.

Barry Allen - The Flash Season 6 Episode 3

With this storyline, we got to see more of the softer side of Ralph that The Flash has been uncovering since he showed up on The Flash Season 4 as an abrasive jerk.

Ralph was sweet with his mom, and we found out that he was afraid of love as a result of his dad leaving him and his mom when he was younger.

Cue the love interest for Ralph. (Anyone else thinking it's going to be Killer Frost?)

Cisco Ramon - The Flash Season 6 Episode 3

We got to see a tiny bit of the developing mentor/mentee relationship between Iris and Allegra.

Allegra is a lot like Iris in some ways, as they are both passionate journalists seeking out the truth.

So, what else did our Asgardian cosplayer say?


Speaking of, was Iris wrong for lying to Allegra and holding back the truth about Wells? It makes sense because there has to be trust built for that and there has not been enough time for Allegra to gain that trust.

However, Iris knows what it is like to be on the receiving end of lies; Barry and Joe kept from her at first that Barry was The Flash. She should keep that in mind as she moves forward with Allegra.

So, what did you think The Flash Fanatics?

How awesome is Nash? Does Ramsey as a villain intrigue you? And, does anybody else miss Caitlin?

Let me know in the comments and don't forget that you can watch The Flash online right here on TV Fanatic!

The Flash airs on Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.


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Dead Man Running Review

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Sarah Little was a staff writer for TV Fanatic.She retired in September 2021.

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The Flash Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

Killer Frost: I don't want to die when I've just started living! Okay? I finally have the chance to live a life and now this stupid Crisis is gonna take it all away?
Barry: I know, it's not fair.
Killer Frost: Did you know that Baskin Robbins has 31 different flavors? I might die before I get to figure out which one is my favorite. Or what my favorite song is. Or have my first birthday party. 30 years of existing and I've never had one. That really sucks.

Cisco: Newsflash Nash, we've actually done this dance before.
Nash: Is that right?
Cisco: That's right. It usually starts off rocky, especially between you and me. But, eventually we bond and you learn to embrace that sensitive side. So why don't you just drop the act? And show me that warm, compassionate, smart guy that I know you to be.