Who Just Walked In

So who just walked in and stole Teresa's attention? Could it be the mystery FBI agent on the art squad?

Playing the Role

Jane certainly looks as though he's enjoying playing his role in this undercover operation on The Mentalist.

A Dangerous Sting

Lisbon and Jane go undercover in a dangerous sting operation on The Mentalist. "Violet" is the 16th episode of the show's sixth season.

A Bit of a Favorite

Jane has always had a unique relationship with Grace. Now he'll have to use all of his considerable skills to save her. "White as the Driven Snow" airs Sunday, March 23rd on CBS.

The Old CBI Team

The old team from CBI will have to work together once again in order to try and save Grace on The Mentalist.

Together in Austin

Rigsby and Van Pelt come to Austin to help figure out who is targeting former members of the CBI.

The Original Team

The old team is back together on The Mentalist. "Grey Water" is the 14th episode of the show's sixth season.

Does Jane Know?

Does Jane know that former CBI agents are being targeted back in the states? The Mentalist returns with "Black Helicopters" on Sunday, March 9th.

Relaxed and At Ease

Jane appears relaxed and at ease down in Mexico. Perhaps he's reminiscing his days on the beach.

Even in Mexico

Even in Mexico Patrick Jane can find a cup of tea. "Black Helicopters" is the 13th episode of the show's sixth season.

How Did She Cross the Border

The FBI team must figure out how a US attorney ended up dead in Mexico with no record of ever crossing the border.

Dead in Mexico

A US attorney turns up dead in Mexico and the FBI is on the case. The Mentalist returns from its winter hiatus on Sunday, March 9th.

The Mentalist Quotes

Lisbon: How are the kids?
Rigsby: Sticky mostly.

Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.