Will Meets Lily

Megan doesn't seem to happy to see her new possible love interest, Will, meeting her boyfriend-stealing sister, Lily.

Megan and Will Look Shocked

Megan and Will and dressed up and look very shocked to see someone. Who could it be?

Rose is Very Excited to Meet Lily

Rose can't wait to meet Lily after the stories she's heard from Megan. She sure looks glad to see her at the party!

Will and Megan at the Party

Will gets to see his neighbor's beautiful new tutor dressed up at the party. I think he likes what he sees.

Will Philips Picture

A picture of Brian Hallisay as Will Philips, the good looking neighbor who's a been of a playboy. He's currently casually dating Megan's sister Lily but has his sights set on Megan.

Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

Random kid