Mike leaves when he learns Susan tricked Zach into leaving for Utah.

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Desperate Housewives
Desperate Housewives Season 2 Episode 6: "I Wish I Could Forget You"
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Desperate Housewives Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

(narrating) Yes, every little girl dreams of a big white wedding. But some dreams just don't come true.

Mary Alice

David: What the hell is this? I thought I told you to dress maternal.
Gabrielle: Yes, you did, and I considered it for about a second.
David: What happened?
Gabrielle: David, I know you're the lawyer and all, but if you ask me, it's never a smart strategy to cover this up.
David: We've got 40 minutes before the pre-trial hearing. Let's go home and get you changed.
Gabrielle: What?!
David: You want to get your husband out of jail? Got to dress like a pregnant, suffering wife, not the cover of Vogue.