Tim at Home

Is there more out there for Tim Riggins? Friday Night Lights may be made into a movie.

Eric and Tami

Eric loves Texa football. But not as much as he loves Tami and his family.

Free, Troubled Riggins

Tim has had a hard time adjusting to life outside prison. Can you blame the guy?

Vince and the Lions

Go Lions, go! Vince leads this team into battle during the State finals.

Vince Howard in Charge

Vince Howard has come a very long way on Friday Night Lights. He's led the Lions to State.

Coach in the Locker Room

Eric addresses the troops in this FNL still. The man knows how to make a locker room speech.

Matt and Grams

Matt reunites with his grandmother in this scene. Cue the waterworks.

Riggins Pic

What a sight for sore Friday Night Lights eyes. Tim Riggins returned on "Don't Go."

Return of Riggins

It's the return of Tim Riggins! We see his parole hearing on the episode "Don't Go."

Eric v. Vince

Will Coach need to suspend Vince? The two continue to clash on the episode "Gut Check."

Vince and His Dad

Vince and his dad have come together on Friday Night Lights. But this isn't a great thing for the Lions.

Coach vs. Vince

Coach and Vince have it at in this scene. They are fighting over the role of the latter's father.

Friday Night Lights Season 5 Quotes

Billy: The way I look at it, I was kinda a coach to you, right?
Tim: Coach was my coach Billy.

Don't ya just love summer in Texas? Seven AM and I'm already sweatin' like a whore in church.

Slammin' Sammy Meade