Sue Sylvester Pic

Sue Sylvester is on the war path. That only means one thing: total and utter hilarity!

A Darker Quinn

This is a new look for Quinn. She's trying to be cool again by, of course, wearing sunglasses.

Glee Club Picture

Ladies and gentlemen, we present the most entertaining glee club on television! The only glee club on television, really.

Co Directors

Sue and Will as co-directors of the glee club? This has hilarity written all over it.

Group Singing

This is why most people tune in to Glee: for the unique, entertaining musical numbers.

In Class, In Love

As Quinn looks on, her man flirts with Rachel. Ms. Berry is clearly lost in Finn's eyes and words.

Quinn and Finn

The perfect relationship between Quinn and Finn has slowly fallen apart over season one of Glee. He's not even her baby's daddy!

Glee Hater

Sue is hilarious, but she's always ill-intentioned. She just hates that glee club.

Vitamin D Picture

Will instructs the girls during this scene from Glee. The shot is taken from the episode "Vitamin D."

Front, Center and Singing

Rachel is front and center in this scene from Glee. That's how she like sit.

Girl Power!

It's the girls vs. the boys on the Glee episode "Vitamin D." Who will come out on top?!?

Vitamin D Photo

Artie looks on as Rachel sings during this scene from Glee. The shot is taken from the episode "Vitamin D."

Glee Season 1 Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


Will is a good man. He's kind and he's generous and he deserves a lot better than you.

Emma [to Terri]