Farewell, Adam!

Adam Monroe, we hardly knew you! The evil one was killed by Arthur Petrelli in the episode "Dying of the Light."

Knox Photo

Knox is on the loose in the episode, "Dying of the Light." Call us crazy, but we don't trust this guy one bit.

Doyle in Action

Eric Doyle is one freaky dude. He tried to force Claire into shooting her mom during this scene.

Adam and Arthur

Adam Monroe pays a visit to Arthur Petrelli. These two can't be up to any good, can they?

Untrusting Partners

Sylar doesn't trust HRG; and HRG doesn't trust Sylar. Something tells us this partnership won't end well.

Dead Ando

There's no way Hiro actually killed Ando in this scene, right? Right?!? Please tell us that we're right!

Maury Serves Arthur

Here's a view of the shocking conclusion to "Angels and Monsters." Maury Parkman is doing the bidding of a still-alive Arthur Petrelli.

Claire, on the Hunt

Claire has a new mission on Heroes: find bad guys, kill bad guys. She gives it a shot during the episode titled "Angels and Monsters."

Hiro v. Ando

Hiro and Ando see their best friendship put to the limits during season three of Heroes. This is a scene from "Angels and Monsters."

Hiro and Adam

Hiro resurrects an old friend for the episode "Angels and Monsters." He and Adam Monroe are actually on the same side here.

Level 5 Madness

All Hell is breaking loose in Level Five. That's what happens when you put Peter and Sylar in the same room.

Take That, Mom!

Say hello to the new Peter. He confronts his controversial mother in "Angels and Monsters."

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys