Exasperated Tracy

Tracy learns more about herself in the episode "I am Become Death." She isn't thrilled with the answers.

Parkman and Molly

Parkman has been all over the place in season three. He goes from Africa to a reunion with Molly in this scene.

Future Sylar

What does the future hold for Sylar? According to a scene in "I am Become Death," nothing too evil.

Angela Preaches

In "I am Become Death," Angela speaks to Hiro and Ando. She has harsh words for this hopeful Heroes.

The Hatiain, Knox

What is The Haitiain doing with Knox? It's a question viewers will soon find out on Heroes season three.

Evil Jesse

Peter was trapped inside the body of bad guy Jesse Murphy for awhile. But that's no longer the case.

Flint in Action

Look out, Elle! Flint has a similar, striking power to yours.

Tracy Strauss Photo

Tracy Strauss means business. While Ali Larter's past characters have been hesitant to embrace their powers, we doubt that's gonna be true of Tracy.

Masi Photo

Masi Oka promises a whirlwind third season for his character of Hiro. Through a couple weeks, it's obvious that he's telling the truth.

Fighting Friends

Might Hiro and Ando be in trouble? Where will we get our laughs every episode if this friendship comes to an end?

Tracy and Micah

Tracy bonds with Micah. Thanks to his abilities, she soon learns about Dr. Zimmerman.

Stuck Peter

Peter is still stuck in the body of a villain during "One of Us, One of Them." That's never fun.

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys