Peter vs. Sylar

The two main characters in Heroes, the opposing forces on the show, square off. Or is Peter now on Sylar's side?

Friends or Foes?

HRG and Sylar have a complicated relationship, to say the least. Who will come out on top in this rivalry?

Parkman's Father

Remember Matt Parkman's father? He's back in the episode titled "Angels and Monsters."

Angela Petrelli Pic

Angela Petrelli may have bitten off more than she can chew. Look at her react here to Peter in the episode "Angels and Monsters."

Sylar and Angela

Angela and Sylar confront one another in a Level Five cell. What could mother and son be talking about?

Arthur Petrelli

Arthur Petrelli is back in "Angels and Monsters." He's seen in the hospital, not in great shape.

Nathan, in Black and White

Nathan is just a U.S. Senator so far on season three of Heroes. But is the White House in his future?

Jack Coleman Image

Jack Colemas has discovered the role of a lifetime. He portrays our favorite character on Heroes, Noah Bennet.

Very Mean Claire

Claire is up to no good in the future. This cheerleader has grown into a seriously evil individual.

Future Claire and Daphne

Future Claire and future Daphne are up to no good in this scene. We wonder where they went so wrong, and if we'll ever find out.

Knox vs. Sylar

Or, should we say this is a photo of Knox versus Gabriel? The old Sylar was trying to rid himself of his former persona, but events made that impossible.

Future Daphne

Daphne speeds into the future during the episode "I Am Become Death." Here's a shot of the speedster, four years down the line.

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys