Artemis and Frank Pic

Artemis and Frank have a little lovers quarrel in costume during the Always Sunny Halloween-themed episode.

Who Got Dee Pregnant Picture

A picture from the Halloween episode of It's Always Sunny episode, "Who Got Dee Pregnant?" Dee is pregnant and the guys try to figure out who the father is.

Mrs. Mac and Mrs. Kelly

Mrs. Mac and Mrs. Kelly move in together after Mrs. Mac burns her house down. Yes, we know this picture isn't from that episode, but look at them together.

Stuck in the Pool

Mac and Charlie get stuck in the bottom of a drained pool in "Mac and Charlie: White Trash."

Charlie Plays Hockey

Charlie plays a little hockey in his Philadelphia Flyers jersey on Always Sunny.

Charlie Goes Diving

Charlie is stuck diving to clean the boat when the gang gets a boat. Just another Charlie job.

Dennis Gets Divorced Picture

When Dennis marries his high school sweetheart, he realizes he needs to get a divorce in "Dennis Gets Divorced."

Mac Fights Gay Marriage Picture

Mac fights gay marriage when it gets in his way in the season six premiere of Always Sunny.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 6 Quotes

Mac: Why are you jamming me up, bro?
Gym Manager: I'm not trying to jam you up, I just don't believe you.
Mac: What is not to believe? I'm absolutely Dennis Reynolds.
Gym Manager: This picture looks nothing like you.
Mac: Well, thank you, cause I've actually packed on about fifteen to twenty pounds of solid bulk muscle since that picture was taken. It's actually a testament to your gym.

I gotta get my pump on.
