Will Mike Dump Paula?

Mike considers making it unofficial and dumping Paula on Jersey Shore. "Make It Unofficial" is the eighth episode of the show's sixth and final season.
Rating: Unrated

Snooki's Surprise

Can the girls keep the baby shower a surprise from Snooki on Jersey Shore. "Shore Shower" is the ninth episode of the show's sixth and final season.
Rating: Unrated

Will Snooki Accept?

Can Mike find a way to make amends with Snooki on Jersey Shore. "Awkward!" is the tenth episode of the show's sixth and final season.
Rating: Unrated

A Secret Is Revealed

The Situation shares a secret from his past on Jersey Shore. "Raining Men and Meatballs" is the 11th episode of the show's sixth and final season.
Rating: Unrated

The End of Jersey Shore

The gang ends the summer at Seaside Heights on the series finale of Jersey Shore. "The Icing on the Cake" is the 12th episode of the show's sixth season.
Rating: Unrated

Jersey Joyks - Jersey Shore

Jersey Shore faces are ready to come back to the beach
Rating: Unrated

A Jersey Dinner - Jersey Shore

The men have themselves a meal while the women are out of the house, but who is at the door?
Rating: Unrated

Hashing Things Out - Jersey Shore

The house is at odds after Ron returns to cause some more drama.
Rating: Unrated

Snooki Eats Brunch - Jersey Shore

Snooki indulges in some food after a night of heavy drinking, but what does Ronnie have to say to her?
Rating: Unrated

Unimpressed Snooki - Jersey Shore

Snookie looks annoyed by the presence of a certain someone in the house. Who?
Rating: Unrated