On NCIS Season 12 Episode 13, Virginia State Troper Vince Armstrong arrives home to find that his husband Lieutenant Eric Kutzler has been shot to death. Before calling 911, he hides some drugs that were found in their kitchen. As the DoD was vetting Lt. Kutzler for a Medal of Honor at the time of his death, Hollis Mann joins the NCIS team in the investigation into his death. Meanwhile, Tony, McGee and Bishop are troubled about Gibbs' state of mind - which probably has something to do with Diane's death. Tony pins his hope on Hollis Mann, who he refers to as "the Gibbs Whisperer". And in other news, Palmer is freaking out just a little bit as Breena comes closer to her due date for their baby. What's the reason for the lieutenant's murder? Was he killed because someone didn't like the fact that he's gay? What did the drugs have to do with it? Find out for yourself when you watch NCIS online.

More Than Babies - NCIS Season 12 Episode 13

Unfortunately there's more than babies to think about. The team still has a murder to solve in "We Build, We Fight"

The Baby Shower - NCIS Season 12 Episode 13

We hear that the NCIS team is throwing Jimmy Palmer and his wife a baby shower? We can't wait to see what kind of gifts the team gives them.

An NCIS Lab Coat Season 12 Episode 13

Is that an NCIS baby lab coat for the Palmer's new baby? That must be a gift from Abby on NCIS.

Medals and Murder - NCIS

The team investigates the murder of an openly gay Navy Lieutenant who was set to be awarded the medal of honor on NCIS. "We Buid, We Fight" is the 13th episode of the show's 12th season.

NCIS Season 12 Episode 13 Quotes

Hollis: It's your fault Diane's dead. That's what you're thinking.
Gibbs: I'm not wrong.
Hollis: You didn't pull the trigger.
Gibbs: I put her in the cross-hairs. He wanted to make it personal. Still does. I'm figuring it out. But you being around me makes you a target. So that's why you're shutting me out?
Gibbs: I don't need you mixed up in this. I don't need you mixed up in me!
Hollis: It's not your call. I'll take my chances. I can handle myself. Hmm?
Gibbs: Copy that.

Spoiler alert, Heisenberg. It doesn't end well for you.
