JoAnna Garcia at JET Nightclub

Joanna Garcia attended the JET Nightclub Weekend Party that her costar, Ashley Newbrough was hosting. Both of this girls looked absolutely beautiful that night.
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Laurel at Her Desk

Laurel agrees to have the twins be in her photo shoot for her latest cosmetic promotion. Will this bring them closer?
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The Baker Twins In White

Rose and Sage are dressed in all white for their test photo shoot for their grandmother's new makeup line. Hopefully the photos will comes out looking good!
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Laurel and the Twins

Laurel and the twins pose very awkwardly and with very little chemistry for their photo shoot for Limoges Cosmetics. I don't think this is going to work.
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Laurel Close with the Twins

There we go! A picture where Laurel actually looks close with Rose and Sage. They were taking photos for the latest promotion for Limoges Cosmetics.
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The Twins in Red

Megan comes in to ruin things for the Baker Twins as usual. They just want to do a photo shoot for their grandmother's make up line.
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The Twins and Laurel

The twins stand in front of Megan's desk. However, things aren't so good when Megan comes in to try and put an end to the photo shoot.
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Megan and Her Father

Megan decides it's time to reconnect with her father, Arthur (John Allen Nelson). Megan invites him over for dinner at the estate. I'm sure it'll go smashingly.
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John Allen Nelson as Arthur

John Allen Nelson guest stars as Arthur, Megan's father in this episode of Privileged. Arthur owns a boat and does tours oh and he's off the sauce now.
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Rose at the Dinner Party

Rose attends the dinner party that Megan accidentally sets up when she invites her dad over. Rose is very eager to meet Megan's dad almost as if it's seeing her own.
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Will is Lily's Date

Poor Will comes as Lily's date to Megan's accidental dinner party, not even realizing Lily never told anyone he was coming. At least he'll get a nice ribeye steak!
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Privileged Poster

Privileged is a CW's latest teen soap opera with heart. We absolutely love this story about a Yale graduate gone tutor for two spoiled Palm Beach brats.
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Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

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