Emily and Roger

Emily met Roger Treadwell prior to moving to The Hamptons. Good thing he doesn't remember that, huh?


Say hello to Emily Thorne when she was still Amanda Clark. Revenge takes us back 10 years on the episode "Legacy."

Revenge in 2002

What was Emily up to before she moved to the Hamptons? This photo from the episode "Legacy" should give fans an idea.

Emily in 2002

You're looking at a photo of Emily back when she was still Amanda. It's the year 2002.

Snow in the Hamptons

It's snowing in the Hamptons! But Emily doesn't look to be in a mood to celebrate that fact in this Revenge scene.

Thorne-y Look

Look out, mystery woman. Emily is totally giving you the suspicious stink eye in this scene from Revenge.

A Mystery Woman

Tess Harper guest stars on the Revenge episode "Absolution." As whom? As a woman from Emily's dad's past.

A New Discovery

Emily comes across a revealing photo of her dad on the episode "Absolution." It sets her on a new path.

Emily Thorne Image

Emily sits across from a woman from her dad's past (not pictured) in this Revenge scene. She's learning a lot more about her father as she goes.

Tess Harper on Revenge

Tess Harper guest stars here on Revenge. She plays a key role near the end of season one.

There, There, Charlotte

Victoria does her best to comfort Charlotte in this scene from Revenge. But she has a long way to go to repair this relationship.

Graysons in Mourning

Charlotte and Victoria are in mourning here. It's a scene of them at a cemetery.

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
