RIP, Dad

Emily pays tribute to her father in this Revenge scene. It's courtesy of the episode "Absolution."

Concerned Graysons

Charlotte and Victoria look on here at their biggest nightmare comes true: Daniel is on trial for murder.

Daniel the Defendant

Will Daniel be found not guilty? You're looking at a shot of him from the Revenge episode "Justice."

Revenge Characters in Court

With Daniel on trial, all the relevant Revenge players are here. He won't be found guilty... will he?

Revenge Goes to Court

Is this how it went down? We're in the courtroom on the Revenge episode "Justice."

Declan on the Stand

Tell the truth, Declan, and the whole truth. So help you God on Revenge.

Daniel in Court

Daniel faces a jury of his peers in this scene from Revenge. It's from the episode "Justice."

Hot Revenge Scene

You might wanna turn away, Conrad. Victoria reconnects here with a man from her past, played by James Purefoy.

Victoria and a New Man

Victoria finds her way into the arms of a lover played by James Purefoy on the episode "Justice." She looks happy to be there, doesn't she?

James Purefoy on Revenge

James Purefoy in seen here as a man from Victoria's past and present. It's a shot from the episode "Justice."

Is That Jack?

Look closely at the sketch. Look familiar? It's not good news for Jack, is it?

Stuck Behind Bars

Daniel has to think about what he did. Not killer Tyler, of course. But fall in love with an imposter.

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
