Gadreel Brought Backup

What's with the girls always tagging along as backup for the angels these days? This is a photo from "King of the Damned."

Angels Face Off

Gadreel and Castiel have a face off in "King of the Damned."

Stay Out of My Personal Space

Is Gavin going in for a hug? Not if Crowley has anything to say about it in "King of the Damned."

Gavin Whom We Don't Know

Theo Devaney guest stars as Gavin in "King of the Damned." He looks out of time, doesn't he? Kinda sexy.

Angels Attack!

Castiel is under attack by assassin angels in "King of the Damned."

Angel Portrait in the Woods

Castiel looks lonely in this photo from "King of the Damned."

Stay Back Benjamin!

Castiel hold back Benjamin (guest star Malcom Master) in "King of the Damned."

This Looks Like a Nice Place

Sam and Dean get out of the car and take a look around in "King of the Damned."

On the Outside Looking In

A nice artsy shot of the team preparing for their interrogation in "King of the Damned."

Cas Goes Through his Suspect Board

Cas is looking at his suspect board in preparation for interrogating an angel in "King of the Damned."

Walking Past Security

Does Cas have security? Looks like he might in this photo from "King of the Damned."

I Don't Like Hugs, Cas

Dean looks extremely uncomfortable receiving a hug from Cas in "King of the Damned."

Supernatural Quotes

Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.


Weird, creepy, off-the-grid "Children of the Corn" people? Yeah, I’m in.
