Dean Screaming - Supernatural

Dean screaming when the cat jumps out of the locker is a moment that will go down in Supernatural history. Of course, it turned out he had yellow fever, but seeing him get scared so easily was hilarious.

Dean Eating Candy - Supernatural

Who else couldn't get over Sam's version of events in Supernatural Season 2 Episode 15? The whole conversation with Bobby, Sam, and Dean was comical, but Dean just continuing to pop candy in his mouth will be an image you can never forget.

Channel Surfing - Supernatural

A lot of people would single out Dr. Sexy, but you have to admit those over the top opening credits of Sam and Dean "investigating" were hilarious especially them riding the bike.

Castiel The Pizza Man - Supernatural

Castiel trying to understand why the pizza man was spanking the babysitter always provides a great laugh. You have to appreciate him using the pizza man technique on Meg later on.

Dean Constantly Dying - Supernatural

It's rare to laugh at death, but it was hard to help laughing at the multiple ways Dean died during Supernatural Season 3 Episode 11. It also pretty much summed up how death is viewed on Supernatural -- people don't always stay dead.

Sam And Dean Are Just The Best - Supernatural

Sam and Dean are the best because despite all the doom and gloom they go through they can still find ways to enjoy themselves. They'll never give up on each other and they will continue hunting monsters until the world is ready to say goodbye to Sam and Dean Winchester. Let's hope it's not too soon!

Dean Lets Sam Drive Baby - Supernatural

Dean first love is baby but he still took time to show Sam how to take care of her. Of course he was showing him how to fix her because he was going to be dying but you still have to appreciate Dean letting Sam have some control.

They Aren't Afraid To Show Emotion - Supernatural

Sam and Dean are never afraid to show how much they care about each other especially when one of them comes back from the dead. You can always count on these brothers to hug it out.

Sam Takes Up For His Brother - Supernatural

Even when Dean is otherwise indisposed, thank you Yellow Fever, Sam tries to come up with a way to make sure his brother gets back to his old self.

Sam And Dean Will Always Work Together - Supernatural

Even when Sam and Dean have tried to part ways they always find a way to continue fighting the good fight together. They really are destined to be the ones who try to save the world.

Dean Doesn't Judge Sam For Being Sensitive - Supernatural

It's been a running joke for the past thirteen seasons of Sam being the more sensitive one of the two. While Dean gives Sam a hard time he still lets Sammy hold on to who he truly is.

Supernatural The Musical - Supernatural

They had an entire musical written about their brotherly bond. I am pretty sure this alone makes them top billing as the best siblings currently on TV. Who else has had a musical written about them?

Supernatural Quotes

Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.


Weird, creepy, off-the-grid "Children of the Corn" people? Yeah, I’m in.
