Dean all locked up - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 2

Wait. Dean’s in shackles? How did both Winchester brothers managed to get themselves captured? Surely, this must be part of a master plan…

Knocked to the ground - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 2

Whoever showed up had no problem knocking Mama Winchester to the ground. She looks a bit startled, but she’s sure to get back up and keep fighting.

We’re here to rescue you - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 2

Dean and Mary have found Sam! Except all three of them seem pretty surprised to see something. Let’s hope they can all manage to get out of there alive.

Sam is a bloody mess - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 2

Lady Toni is still torturing Sam. And for what? He’s faced far worse, but he still looks pretty beat up. He’s still rocking a killer hair game though.

Mary is locked and loaded - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 2

Mary is following Dean’s lead in the search for Sam. She also doesn’t look like someone you should mess with. It’s the Winchester family for the win!

Dean’s looking for Sam - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 2

Sam is still missing, but Dean is on the case and determined to find him. He’s ready for anything, whether it be ghost or monster or Toni from the British Men of Letters. And he looks pissed.

Sexy Dean - Supernatural

Dean doing his best to win the Winchester contest.

Sexy Sam - Supernatural

Sam Winchester doing his best to win the contest.

Poor Sammy - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 1

Sammy is always taking the heat for something or another. Now the British Men of Letters literally wants to turn up the heat on him. With a flame. No kidding! Odds this turns into a beautiful friendship? I say 75% yes. Beautiful friendship with at least one of these women. A disdainful and sarcastic ride along from the other. Who's with me?!

Cattle Prod Much? - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 1

The skepticism on Sam's face pretty much says it all. THIS IS CRAZY. What kind of Men of Letters outfit is the British organization that they would rather tie up a fellow member instead of serving him tea and crumpets? Bunch of creeps, that's what.

Looking Uncomfortable - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 1

How does Sam explain in 15 minutes or less taking on some of the greatest evils ever set upon man? Can the British Men of Letters really be that out of the loop to think the Winchesters were like children tackling a Ouija board?

Taking Notes - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 1

Is Toni taking notes or asking questions? It would be rather awkward if she was taking notes on Ms. Watt's performance as a torturer, don't you think? She didn't kill him with her gunshot, so now she's torturing him. Cas needs to get here to set her straight about what the Winchesters have done with Archangels, Leviathans, and the Darkness. They definitely didn't consider their actions playing. So why does she?

Supernatural Quotes

Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.


Weird, creepy, off-the-grid "Children of the Corn" people? Yeah, I’m in.
