Holding Hands - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 17

Everybody hold hands and lets say the chant. Are they looking to talk to somebody in particular?

Around the Table - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 17

Sam, Castiel, and their new friend look ready to start a seance. Are they on a dangerous path?

Castiel - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 17

Castiel is probably here to chat about the Mark of Cain. Hopefully he can get the info to help Dean.

Dean and a Knife - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 17

Dean is poised to gank a demon... or a witch. Rowena better watch out for this Winchester.

Dean - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 17

Dean looks to be in a serious battle with someone with bloody eyes. Did he tell Dean he doesn't like Taylor Swift?

Have a Drink - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 17

Want to know Rowena's favorite drink? Bet this witch will reveal that secret to Sam and Dean.

Rowena's Tattoos - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 17

Rowena wants to show off her new tattoos. Or will those magic symbols mean some real trouble for the Winchesters?

Sam and Dean Walking - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Sam and Dean are definitely talking about their favorite bands. Sometimes you've got to take a break from the case.

Sam Chats With Dean - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Sam has something important to say to Dean. It probably has to do with the case at the church. Or what they want to eat for dinner.

Walking Out - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Sam and Dean look like they are leaving the church rather confident. Maybe they have cracked the case?

Sam - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Calling all Sam fans! Sam Winchester is on the case.

A Nun and Dean - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Dean has left Sam for a moment to talk to a nun. Might she know something and isn't telling?