Lewis Black on Big Bang

Lewis Black guest stars as an entomologist on The Big Bang Theory and he helps settle a bet between Sheldon and Wolowitz.

Penny and Leonard Talk

Penny and Leonard try and talk out their little awkward hookup they have in the season three premiere last week.

Leonard and Penny Drink

Leonard and Penny drink some peppermint schnapps in an attempt to try and get a little sexual chemistry going on for their awkward sex life.

Wolowitz and Sheldon Bet

Wolowitz and Sheldon make a high stakes bet (some of their best comic books) over who's right on the species of a cricket they heard.

The Boys Search for the Cricket

In order to settle a bet, Sheldon, Wolowitz and Raj search out the cricket to identify its species.

The Big Bang Theory Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

Howard, you know me to be a very smart man. Don't you think that if I were wrong, I'd know it?


you're missing the point, a Shiksa goddess is not an actual goddess, we prey on them, not to them
