Howard and Bernadette Discuss His Possible Return to Space

Howard is offered the opportunity to go back into space on "The Table Polarization."

Leonard and Penny Shop for a Table

Leonard buys a dining room table for the apartment.

Howard Has a Stick

What is this stick? Both Howard and Raj look ecstatic about it on "The Table Polarization."

Howard Uses the Stick

Howard uses a stick of some sort. Is it a game? Raj looks enthralled by it.

Leonard and Sheldon Have Discussion

Will Sheldon or Leonard win this one on "The Table Polarization"?

Sheldon Makes His Point

Sheldon tries to get his point of view across to Leonard.

Leonard Talks to Sheldon

Leonard talks to Sheldon while he's working on "The Table Polarization."

Crowded Dinner Around the Coffee Table

The Bigi Bang Theory crew crowd around the coffee table for dinner.

The Table

Leonard's purchase of a dining room table has Sheldon evaluating his life on The Big Bang Theory.

Amy is on Sheldon's Screensaver

Amy questions her relationship with Sheldon until Leonard shows her that she's included on her boyfriend's screensaver.

At the Vet

We're at the vet for this scene from The Big Bang Theory. It's from the episode "The Locomotive Manipulation."

Sheldon and Amy Kiss

On Valentine's Day, Sheldon kisses Amy on a vintage train ride after a disastrous dinner.

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Quotes

Howard: There's a party for incoming post-docs tonight. Go to it and meet someone who isn't made of grease or pie.
Raj: You think you're so cool because your wife is a person?

Sheldon: Even the dung beetle chooses to plot its course by using the Milky Way.
Raj: Is that true?
Sheldon: Everything I say is true. Now, of course, the dung beetle also enjoys eating fece, living in feces and making little balls out of feces. So, pick and choose which aspects of its lifestyle you want to embrace.