Kevin's Chili - The Office

Very rare does one off moment crack you up but Kevin proudly discussing his chili and dropping it on the floor still ranks in my top five moments. You felt bad for him but you had to laugh when he was trying to scrap the chili back into the pot.
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Michael Tries To Survive - The Office

Michael trying to survive in the wilderness has to be one of my favorite moments. He couldn't even make it a full day but thankfully Dwight was around to make sure Michael didn't get himself killed.
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Business Ethics - The Office

Holly quickly learned how interesting this group of people were when Michael opened up the dialog for everyone to reveal things about themselves. The whole ethical conversation quickly went out the window.
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Garden Party - The Office

We don't talk enough about the final seasons of The Office but Garden Party holds a special place in my heart. Dwight went all out with the party, but what always makes me crack up is the closing ceremonies of Dwight dancing with the fire.
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Andy's Dance - The Office

There was a lot to love about Jim and Pam getting married but there was a lot to laugh about, too. The moment which always gets me is Andy, trying to impress Erin, doing the splits and tearing his scrotum. You couldn't help but cringe and laugh at the same time.
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Michael Running Over Meredith - The Office

Was anyone else surprised it took this long for Michael to run over someone? You had to appreciate him putting together the walk/run to end rabies and carbo loading for said walk/run.
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Michael Kissing Oscar - The Office

You have to appreciate the pure comedy of this scene because it wasn't even scripted. Despite Michael's bone headed moves, his heart is always in the right place.
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Dwight Putting On The Mask - The Office

Do we really need to say more about this moment? Dwight's idea, if someone dies in the office, is to harvest the organs. He decides to go a step further by cutting off the dummy's face to see how realistic it all was.
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Dinner Party - The Office

You can't have a list of funniest moments without mentioning the dinner party. Jan being inappropriate? Check. Michael showing off his TV? Check. Dwight showing up with an interesting date? Check.
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Jim in a panic - The Office

Something really bad must be happening for Jim to lose his cool
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The Devil Wears Prada - The Office

Michael is watching The Devil Wears Prada on Netflix
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Hannibal!Dwight - The Office

Dwight's Hannibal Lecter impersonation is very convincing
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The Office Quotes

Pam: So I closed the door but the image of his...
Jim: Baquette.
Pam: ... dangling participle...
Jim: Eww.
Pam: ... still burned in my eyes.
Jim: I can imagine.

Mike gave me a list of his top ten Springsteen songs. Three of them were Huey Lewis and the News. One was Tracy Chapman, Fast Car. And my personal favorite, Short People.
