Delena GIF

This scene is from The Vampire Diaries Season 4 finale. Feel free to watch again and again and again...

Bonnie at Graduation

Bonnie has a concerned look on her face in this Vampire Diaries still, which is taken from the episode "Graduation."

Mystic Falls Graduation Day

It's graduation day in Mystic Falls! This is a photo from The Vampire Diaries season finale.

Elena Gilbert at Graduation

Elena still has highlights in her hair. But she looks to have her humanity back, doesn't she?

Ghosts at Graduation

Look behind you, Elena! Those are ghosts! Run!

Danger is Calling

Hello? Danger is likely on the other line, as Caroline answers a call on The Vampire Diaries Season 4 finale.

Caroline at Graduation

Awww, we love seeing Caroline smile! She has a reason to be happy, too, seeing as she's graduating.

Elena at Graduation

It's graduation day on Mystic Falls. And Elena sure looks like she cares, doesn't she?

Klaus at Graduation

No, Klaus is not graduating. But he is attending the ceremony, as you can see here.

Parting from Mystic Falls

Parting is such sweet sorrow for Klaus. But he has a city to go control down south.

Parting Words for Caroline

Klaus is leaving for New Orleans. He has some parting words for Caroline in this scene.

Old Elena?

Is Elena back to her old self? This is a photo from The Vampire Diaries season finale.

The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Episode 23 Quotes

It's the Grill. Must be Matt.


Stefan: I should be upstairs grooming my hero hair.
Damon: Are you drunk?
Stefan: I don't know, Mom, am I?