Bonnie on Her Knees

Bonnie kneels over a fire in this scene from "Into the Wild." She is on an island, in search of The Cure.

Bonnie, Playing with Fire

Bonnie is all about fire these days, huh? She sets one loose in this scene from "Into the Wild."

Shane in the Wild

Professor Shane is in the wild in this photo from "Into the Wild." What is he planning with Silas and the Cure?

Rebekah versus Elena

Rebekah is still not a fan of Elena. That much is evident in this scene from "Into the Wild."

Shane on the Island

Can we really trust Shane? Or is leading the group into a trap on a deserted island?

Damon with a Machete

Damon is in search for the Cure in this photo. And he's armed with a machete!

A Trap by Shane?

Is Shane leading the teams into a trap? Damon wonders that in this Vampire Diaries scene.

Going Into the Wild

Damon and Shane are "Into the Wild" in this Vampire Diaries photo. It's courtesy of the 2/7/13 episode of the show.