A Handsome Back

Damon engages in a chat here with Elena. Sorry, TVD fans, but he isn't turning around any time soon.

A Shady Shane?

Professor Shane reaches out to Bonnie in this "Catch Me If You Can" scene. Are you trusting this guy?

Shane with Bonnie

Shane takes Bonnie's hand in this scene from The Vampire Diaries. It's from the episode "Catch Me If You Can."

An Urge to Kill

Jeremy continues to feel the urge to kill on The Vampire Diaries. That could be a problem for Elena.

Jeremy v. Elena

Jeremy has control issues these days on The Vampire Diaries. Will Elena pay the price?

Knife at Elena

Easy there, Jeremy. Remember Elena? She's your sister.

April at School

Can April trust Rebekah? This new Vampire Diaries character thinks she's made a new friend.

Angry Tyler

Tyler has plenty to be pissed about on The Vampire Diaries. His mother is dead now, after all.

Elena in the Library

Elena can't believe what she sees. She and others are stuck in the library on the TVD episode "After School Special."

Questions for Stefan

Will Rebekah break Stefan? She questions him up close in this scene from "After School Special."

Tyler and Rebekah

We're very happy to see Rebekah back on The Vampire Diaries. But Tyler doesn't appear to share in that emotion.

Bonnie in Shock

Bonnie is in for a shock on the episode "After School Special." He isn't pictured here, but her father shows up.

The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Quotes

Where ever you go, Salvatore Brothers seem to follow.

Pastor Young

We all know the way. You feed or you die, there is no door #3.
