Sarah Newlin Licks a Beer Bottle

In "Shake And Fingerpop" Jason fantasizes Sarah doing a wickedly sexy barbecue striptease and male fans of True Blood live it right along with him.

Arlene and Terry

Wow it looks like Terry is about to kiss Arlene's neck. Guess Arlene has gotten over her terrible choice of Rene.

Sam and Maryann

Sam and Maryann had a history together and Maryann is sure to haunt Sam about it as much as possible.

Sookie Gets Off the Plane

It looks like Sookie is getting off a private plane in this upcoming episode of True Blood. Is this her arriving in Dallas?

Eric Makes an Offer

Eric makes a delicious offer of his blood to Lafayette, or so we assume, in this upcoming episode of True Blood.

Jason and Sarah Too Close

Jason and Sarah Newline seem to have ended up too close as Jason is buttoning up his shirt in this scene from an upcoming episode of True Blood.

True Blood Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Sookie [about Jessica]: You can teach her how to walk that line between vampire and human
Bill: Yes because I have mastered that
Sookie: Okay so you can teach each other

Bill [to Hoyt]: Are you going to leave or am I going to have to throw you out a window that is closed?
Sookie: That is just rude