Betty's Little Bunny

Betty unpacks her bunny that Hilda gave her for graduating. This goofy little bunny sure has one heck of an adventure this episode!

Marc Loves Betty's Unique Desk

Marc can't help but give a goofy smile when he sees how unique Betty set up her desk. It's just so... her.

Betty and Natalie

Betty and actress Natalie Whitman meet in the elevator as Betty heads home after quitting. She tells Natalie she thinks the natural photos looked beautiful.

Daniel Picks up the Book

Daniel comes by Wilhelmina's office to pick up the book that mysteriously appeared. Too bad someone already leaked the story so it doesn't matter.

Wilhelmina at Her Desk

Wilhelmina is looking deliciously evil as she sits at her desk. She already bought the book from Gina.. what more can she do at this point?

Marc in Wilhelmina's Office

Marc stands by in Wilhelmina's office awaiting his next instructions. He just returned from buying the book that Gina stole from Betty.

Gina the Ho

Gina, Betty's very slutty neighbor, already sold the book she stole from Betty's house! After meeting Daniel though, this ho bag really wishes she held out for a cuter buyer.

Betty is Not Happy

Betty is not happy to find out that her slutty neighbor Gina has already sold the book she stole. Things are not looking good for Betty and Daniel.

Betty, Daniel and Walter

Walter looks like his goofy self when he's at Gina's to install her new flatscreen. Daniel and Betty arrive looking for the book that's already been sold.

Daniel and Gina

Gina is very excited to see Daniel show up in her apartment. She kinda wishes she held out for this new, cute buyer.

Betty Watches Hilda & Gina

Betty watches as Hilda and Gina fight in front of her. Why you just standing there Betty? Go find that book!

Hilda and Gina Catfight!

Hilda breaks into Gina's with Betty and defends her little sister by attacking Gina. Go Hilda!!

Ugly Betty Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Betty: Anything else you need me to do?
Amanda: Keep working. A little overtime and you can afford invisaligns

Amanda: Are you trying to suffocate us with that putrid smell?
Betty: They're empanadas