Creep Chin

Daniel goes in for a kiss while Grace Chin (Lucy Liu) gives one of the most horrified faces we've ever seen. We didn't think he was that bad!

Daniel Interrupts Grace

Daniel tries to interrupt Grace Chin (Lucy Liu) before she gets a confession from his mother, Claire. What do you think Daniel will do to distract her?

Marc Peaks Through

Mark peaks through the curtains to find find Daniel and Grace Chin getting it on. Check out that look of horror on his face.

Alexis Gives Joel Her Number

Alexis is hit on by the first guy since her surgery. She decides to give Joel (played by Jerry O'Connel, Rebecca Romijn's real life man) her number when he asks.

Joel and Alexis

Alexis meets a nice guy at the sports bar, Joel (who's played by Jerry O'Connell, her real life man!). Why does Wilhelmina want to leave already?

Santos and Hilda on Subway

Santos (Kevin Alejandro) and Hilda ride the subway into the city to see Hairspray on Broadway with Justin. However, when the train loses power they get to watch Hairspray performed by him.

Justin Sings Hairspray

When the power goes out on the subway and they're going to miss Hairspray, Justin performs the show for Hilda and Santos.

Betty and Charlie Have Lunch

Betty thinks she meets a sweet girl, Charlie, that she plans on having lunch with. She even invites her to the Linda McCartney party with her.

Henry and Charlie

Henry is with his girlfriend Charlie (Jayma Mays). She's come from Tucson all the way to New York City to try and make things work with Henry.

Betty, Henry and Charlie

Henry comes by as Charlie is eating lunch with Betty. Oh I see you've already met. This is my girlfriend, Charlie (Jayma Mays). Awkward!

Daniel Makes Phone Calls

Daniel is being forced to call every girl he's ever hurt in college in order to get Grace Chin to represent his father. Here is making a phone call now!

Lucy Liu as Grace Chin

Lucy Liu guest stars as Grace Chin, a lawyer and a girl that Daniel stood up in college. However, Grace is the only lawyer that will be able to get Bradford off so Daniel has some apologizing to do.

Ugly Betty Season 1 Quotes

Justin: I don't want flan, I'll get fat
Hilda: Honey, you're a boy, it doesn't matter if you're fat or not

Betty: I know most of your magazines inside and out. I try to devour as much as I can
Meade Interviewer: Clearly