Wilhelmina goes to call her partner in crime / mastermind the bandaged woman. They somehow got Fey's music box and are using it to drive Bradford and Daniel further apart.

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Ugly Betty
Ugly Betty Season 1 Episode 4: "Fey's Sleigh Ride"
Wilhelmina Slater
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Ugly Betty Photos, Ugly Betty Season 1 Episode 4 Photos, Wilhelmina Slater Photos
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Ugly Betty Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Daniel: I'd like to see more skin
Wilhelmina: It's a post nuclear scene, exposed skin would melt off their bodies

Amanda: Ground rules: Stop with the chatty, don't stand so close to me, and no one eats the grilled cheese
Betty: She's eating one
Marc: Of course fat carol is eating one, what did you expect?