Joy: My mom is Hayden Montgomery. You married her in '84 in Paris.
Rossi: I know who Hayden is.
Joy: She was a diplomat, you were on temporary duty with the FBI.
Rossi: Hayden would have told me if she was pregnant.
Joy: My stepdad told me about you when he was dying of cancer. And I forced my mom to finally come clean.
Rossi: How can I believe you? First you tell me you're a P.I. and now this?
Joy: Okay I was scared. Look you can even call my mom, she's still in Paris.

Booth: New rule, serial killers don't get cool or frightening nicknames.
Cam: No matter how terrifying they are.

No woman will ever be able to fool you again, Dr. Masters. Not that I’ve ever needed to.


McAvoy: What do you say?
Jenny: I tell them I see them. And I know everybody stares at me.

I work in an office full of glamazon women who are all six feet tall and fully waxed...


Dr Cox: Now, listen, you tell or else!
Elliot: Or else what? You'll treat me worse than you usually do? Here's the inside scoop, Perry: For the first time, I have leverage. You're familiar with leverage, right? It's what you're going to need when you disimpact Mr. Burnett - who, by the way, is so locked up, I'm guessing he's been eating either gum, rubber cement, or cork.
Dr. Cox: Look. Barbie.
Elliot: Yeah... that's not my name.
Dr. Cox: Fine... Dr...Reid? Really?
Elliot: What?
Dr. Cox: Nothing.

What kind of grab ass mission do you think we're running here?


Goon: They told you wasn't coming back. That you were dead.
Lala: Dead? I like it.

I'm not a cop tonight, no badge.


Remember, this was an act perpetrated by people whose business it is to find you and follow you and read whatever digital breadcrumbs you choose to leave for them. So we are not going to leave any. We are writing on pads. Exchanging ideas via interoffice memos and talking to each other. Remember, we have no idea if this fellow is working alone or as part of a group and until we are sure there is no one else out there continuing his dirty work, everything is old school.


Quagmire: Do like me, say "oui oui!" and tell them you're a friend of Bill Maher's!
Bill Maher: That's how you'll get to watch them pee in Canadian nudie bars!

Mickey is not your little girl. She belongs to Brady and Kristen.
