You can only drive one car at a time. You can only live in one house at a time. No. What money gives you is power. And that is the real ache in the balls, young man. Power. A bit of it makes you want a lot of it. And a lot of it makes you want all of it. You want some?


Amanda: You just got one kid out of the house. Don’t let him put another baby in you.
Faith: Amanda, why don’t you mind your business?

No task force should be operating with seemingly zero checks and balances.


Michael: I'm a car guy.
Jane: What's your favorite car?
Michael: The Delorean... Okay I'm not a car guy.

So she just breezed in, slipped on her heels, and cracked her head open on your 200-year-old marble floor?


Jenna, contrary to the advice I've been giving Ally; you need to know that every first time is the first time, and it should be special.


Woman: You could have died.
Angela: No. No one is gonna die.

Conde: If you want me to court your friend, don't ask me to spend another minute in your presence, not now. If you don't want us together, if it no longer services you, then say it. Be honest about the power you hold over all of us. Be honest about what you want so we can all get on with our lives.
Mary: I don't want you to court Lola.

Isaac: Oh God, I am so nervous. This is our first party as whatever it is we are now.
Sasappis: Boyfriends?
Isaac: Ahh, it’s just so lovey-dovey.
Sasappis: Murderer and victim?
Isaac: Not loving the sound of that one either.

If that’s not Chunky Velez, step away from the door. I am only accepting visits from ferrets tonight.


You're scared that you'll lose all the weight and that nothing will have changed, right? That you'll discover that the person you have been is the person who you are truly are. And all your dreams of the life you're gonna lead one day are nothing but lies you've told yourself. I get it. It's scary, and if I were you, I'd be terrified. Trust me, you don't know women like me.


Terrance and Phillip, you two are the most annoying dicks in Canada. I wish you both had cancer, in the head.
