Lee: You're actually my type, Paul.
Paul: Well I'm glad this didn't just get awkward.

See that's a talent, sounding like a total asshole even when you're supposedly saying something sincere.


Can I use the phone? I need to call my apartment and check on my grandma. Wait, what's my number? (Monica looks at her weird) What, I never call me.


Kelly: I brought you back.
Alex: Well, of course you did because you are strong. And you are smart. And you are powerful. Hey, we all have doubts. But it's when you thought that you could protect me, you took a risk. And it's only when we take risks that we can really find out who we are meant to be. And Joey is very lucky to have you in his corner because you are a protector. And you'll always be there for him.

Elizabeth: For God's sake, when is it going to stop being about perception?
Randall: You think this is a beauty contest? I'm not letting that puny ideologue dismantle Conrad's agenda piece by piece over the next four years.

You can do anything mijo. You are stronger than you think.


Malia: There has to be another way to do this, isn't there?
Lydia: I don't know. This is my first attempt at trying to open a dimensional rift in space time.

This has been a journey that I will always treasure.

Tonya Harding

Ron, let's cut the bull. I want me, Tom and all the other ladies included on your hunting trip.


Eddie: Right and left ankles are broken.
Buck: One for each wife.
Eddie: He's lucky that's all he's broken.

Russell: Hey! Nobody calls me Diebenkorn around here, it's DB!
Julie: Hmmm [smiles]

Socks are fun!
