If you ever want to save the world again, you know where I am.


Come on, now. Go big or go home.

Grover [to Aaron]

Oh yeah, I remember that now.


Liv: Shawna? I don't trust that girl.
Ravi: No surprise there.

Daynes: Your daughter stood before a judge and asserted that you had no contact with Eric Little in 30 years.
Eva: I hadn't. Not really.

We're getting married at Schrute Farms. No matter what. I have looked at 12 venues, I have lost eight deposits and I have seen Angela naked zero times. I am not losing another deposit.


Leonard: I wasn't screwing around with anyone.
Raj: Of course not. She was just sniffing around your goods because she was hunting for truffles.

Every girl deserves a cowboy.


[to George] Did you even ask for me? I helped decorate your stupid locker and you don't even see it! You don't see anything! I am such an idiot. And you are a jerk. You didn't even ASK for me? Screw you, Dr. O'Malley.


Come on, Charlotte. You're suppose to be the smart one here.


Jane Posner: Tell me again that it's real.
Unsub: It's real.
Jane Posner: Can you heal me?
Unsub: Yeah. I can.

I'm really glad you're writing again. It's inspiring.
