Max: Hey, Murph.
Murphy: Max

The past and the future are a fight to the death.


Gina: Rome, what is going on?
Rome: Eve wants to talk to us, babe. She changed her mind.

[In confessional] Is Casey trying to sabotage us?! I have no idea.


Lily: Ooo Barney's got feelings for a girl.
Barney: Yeah, penis feelings!

I know it's hard to see. But I do believe there's a plan. To all of this. And I know you are going to be okay.


I'm in no need of miracles. You may be. But not me.

President Ostrov

Charles Manson is relatively well known and I don't believe anyone is going to vote for him.


Barney: You're all the Blitz! I slept with that cute Indian girl that cuts my hair.
Robin: What does that have to do with anything?
Barney: Nothing I just forgot to brag about it before!

[To Zoe] You can't kiss George Tucker!


Russell [after hearing that Elizabeth punched President Andrada of the Philliphines]: I know this doesn't bode well for the Singapore Interchange. Then again, Sugar Ray McCord has put the world on notice about how we deal with bullies.
Elizabeth: That's not funny, Russell.
Russell: I'm not kidding. It's badass.

Rok: Oo, oo, oo, do me! Do me!
Frex: Oh, Brikar! I take it you want to grow up and be a *rock* star? Oh, ho, ho!
Rok: I want to be a scientist!
Frex: Thank you for sharing. And what type of science is your specialty?
Rok: I dunno. There’s more than one?