Scratch the surface of any Jimmy Stewart? [whispers] Charlie Manson.


Danny: Junior tracked Duke's burner phone.
McGarrett: How did he do that?
Danny: I don't know. He did something I don't understand because I'm 40.

We're not military. We take our orders from math and science. Right now we know the odds of survival are slim, but we know that mathematically there's a chance. Some people call us robotic, mechanical, but in situations like this our constitution is a benefit.


Rory: Oh my God, I just got hit by a deer!
Lane: You hit a deer?
Rory: No, I got hit by a deer!
Lane: How do you get hit by a deer?
Rory: I was at a stop sign and it hit me.
Lane: Was it a 4-way stop?
Rory: What does that matter?
Lane: I don't know. I don't know what to ask after you've been hit by a deer.

I am a very good dentist, top of my class, by the majority of my time is not spent fixing teeth but pulling them so that those who were meant to be forgotten can no longer be identified.


Jordan: You surprised me to study?
Rusty: As foreplay...

Ben: What’s with all the encyclopedias?
Percy: I sell them. Door to door. Charles says it’s just an excuse to screw around with lonely housewives all day. To which I say, ‘I’m a salesman and a public servant.’

Can we start tonight? I want to keep fighting. Ending be damned.


Michael: Ten years, you'll figure it out.
Jim: Well, I don't think I'll be here in ten years.
Michael: That's what I said... That's what she said.
Jim: That's what who said?
Michael: I never know. I just say it. I say stuff like that, you know, to lighten the tension. When things sort of get hard.
Jim: That's what she said.
Michael: Hey! Nice, really good. Bravo, my young ward.

Ted: Who canceled, your coven?
Steve: Coven, group of witches, boom!

David: I'm sorry it came to this, doc, but I ain't sorry I'm gonna live.
Paula: Make it count.

Bart: Look, I'll level with you; there is no Timmy 'O Toole, it was just a prank I was playing on everybody.
Lou: Well you sure fooled us, kid.
Eddie: Hey I've got an idea for a prank. Let's go home and go to sleep. He-he-he.