(Pulls out an automatic) Hello girls! I'm the easter bunny!

Janet Reno

Can you get STD's from the ghost of a prostitute?


I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya freak bitch!

Franklin (Buster)

Good girl, Krista.


This is all just too much.


I kinda wish I could see Percy's face right about now.


Oh, the humanity.


I know I shouldn't be saying this, but it's been so nice having the two of them to ourselves the past six weeks.


Oh, Bernadette, please play my clarinet.

Raj's poem

Ben: He's got so much money. It's not about that anymore. He wants power. He wants power. He wants a regime of his own, and he wants it right here.
Miles: Oh, come on. How do you know that?
Ben: Because I wrote the book. Chapter one. Undermine people's faith in the media so we can dig out the bloody nature of the truth. Chapter two. Polarize factions in society. When people stop seeing the other side as human, then human rights cease to be an obstacle. Chapter three. Marginalize the intelligencia. People stop listening to experts, and they become malleable, hm? That sound familiar? Chapter four. Now you're gonna need chapter four. Elect candidate under the guise of restoring order. Someone smart, someone charismatic, but someone who can be controlled.
John: What's chapter five?
Ben: Oh, there's no chapter five. Now, the country's yours.

Oh sure laugh, laugh for Barney Stinson. Laugh for the sad clown trapped on his whirling carousel of suits and cigars and bimbos and booze. Round and round it goes, and where's it all heading? Nowhere
