To the good times and the bad... may love rule mightily over both.


Chuck: You were late.
Blair: I got caught in a text flurry with Dorota. I'm sorry.

Emily: Lorelai, don't eat dinner yet.
Lorelai: (pointing to food) This isn't dinner, it's my private stash.

It's like Alison used to say. You're not lying, you're just pre-telling the truth.


Can you scratch my nose? I feel like you're closer.


Iris: I'm sure that you've been through a great deal, and I can appreciate you feeling like this is suddenly the right time to want me in your life, but that doesn't mean that it's the right time for me.
Joe: Iris...
Iris: No, dad, it's OK. I've thought about this a lot, and it wasn't fair for me to make you the bad guy. [turns to Francine] So I want you to hear this from me. I don't hate you, Francine. I do wish you well. But we have lived separate lives for over 20 years. Let's keep it that way.

Casey: I’m sorry. I’d really like to, but…
Sydney: Something to do with the paramedic maybe? Sylvie? It’s kind of impossible not to notice the way you look at her.
Casey: You’re great, Sydney, and a lot of fun.
Sydney: You are too.
Casey: God, I really wish I was in the right place for this now.
Sydney: Maybe another time then. Don’t lose my number, Capt. Casey.

Emma: If I don't make it back --
Matt: You're gonna make it back.
Emma: Oh, baby. I'm planning on it. But if I don't, I want you to know that you changed me. You made me believe in myself. You made me believe that I'm good.

[to Diego] A good leader knows when he's gotta fight another day. Now that day's here. I'm ready. You gonna fight with me?


Don't you wish the sex was worth the punishment.

Veronica [to Fiona]

You saw Nimah. She's still alive?


What a nice photo. Remind me to send a thank-you note to the photo editor.
