Theo: I saw the video. That’s messed up.
Vic: So, I’m usually the person that finds the good in all the bad. I’m the silver linings chick that cracks a joke even at the darkest of times to bring everyone back up, but…
Theo: Pretty hard to see the silver lining in that.
Vic: Yeah.

Imagine what we would do with a man like this if we didn't know he had an attorney coming.


You're bad at this, Marty. You're exceptionally bad.


I'm sorry I hurt you, but I had to protect my family.

JR's dad

(to Clyde) Why don't you save your hayseed hack for the suckers that buy it.


Somehow in your knee-jerk, juvenile way, you tripped and fell into an actual adult response to this.


I'm not going to stand her and pretend that I think that home wrecking skank is an innocent doe-eyed victim. She knew what she was doing and she didn't care who got hurt.


Jamal: Do you ever think about who you used to be? Like maybe you veered off a better path by making bad choices?
Charlize: Regrets are for pussies.

You don't think they'd believe we carpooled?


Adam couldn't even phrase that sentence, but he was cute doing it.


Jenna are you pregnant? How? Did you go swimming in a public pool?

Dr. Spaceman

They don't get to live.
