D.A.: I'm very sorry for your loss.
Eric: Which one?

Earth Day Person: And Terrance and Phillip are more important than Mother Earth?
Cartman: Well yeah, dude.

Parking always seemed like such a racket to me, but now....!


I can make blue spaghetti or I can blow a safe.


You're the detective. Detect.


It wasn't raining when Noah built the arc.


Elliot: I just wish once a cute, thoughtful guy would walk through the door.
Jake: Hi. I need some help. My neighbor fainted and she doesn't like ambulances, so I brought her in myself.
Elliot: Let me take this one, Jenny, you've got a phone call.
Jenny: Uh, I'll call them back.
Elliot: Your mom died.
Jenny: WHAT?!
Elliot: Her mom's fine. It's just a little running joke we have. She'll be laughing later. Got you, Jenny! Dead mom jokes - always funny. Heh.

Bash: There is always a reckoning and human or devil I think the riders play a part. Dark times are upon us. Plague, famine, King's following. The reckoning has begun.
Francis: And blood will pay for blood.

"To be a good surgeon you have to think like a surgeon. Emotions are messy. Tuck them neatly away and step into a clean sterile room where the procedure is simple. Cut, suture, and close. But sometimes you’re faced with a cut that won’t heal. A cut that rips its stitches wide open. They say that practice makes perfect."


Gob: So what, you're gonna cover her eyes, take her out to the limo...?
George Sr.: No, we're going to knock her out with this ether, stuff her in this garment bag and carry her out to the car, if anyone see's you do the same. Oh, hi Tobias.
Mrs. Featherbottom: (singing) Whenever I get a wee bit scared I hum a little tune, humdidididi...doo.

Amelia: I didn't have to do this last time.
April: What do you mean last time?
Amelia: The last time I was pregnant. I didn't have to tell the father because he was dead.

Maybe I make cheese but I'm no rat.
