Beau: So, really, you're never gonna date a cop again?
Jenny: Why? Would it break your heart?
Beau: Oh, you wish.

Nice try, but you can't Darth Vader me. I'll never join you.


I'm very disappointed in Lupe.


Cassie: Please stay, bound or not, you are my sister. You are the only family I have left.
Diana: No matter where I go, that is never gonna change. But I have got to get our of here. I've lost everything. I don't even know who I am any more.

So you're the one they call Dembe.

Perrilos [to Dembe]

Alice: Doesn't it bother you that we both magically forgot being on Coryana together? That there were obviously pieces of both our memories wiped?
Ocean: I grow psychedelic mushrooms for a living. You think it's the first memory I've lost?

I hate frogs.


Cadie: I don't know if it was real. Why is that, Stanley?
Stanley: Oh, no reason, apart from every time we get together, you mostly try and kill yourself.

Jimmy Poole killed your daddy, Bob Lee. There's no conspiracy.

Sheriff Brown

Penelope: Don't you think a royal crown suits me?
Queen Catherine: Of course, your majesty. Makes your head look smaller. Almost back to normal size.

Take care of my baby, OK? Tell him I'll come for him as soon as I can.


What has two thumbs and likes to bone your mom? THIS GUY!
