I'm not sure which cancer is worse, the one in me or the one in Charming.


Vince: Any big news stories today, E?
Eric: What do you mean?
Vince: Mandy's really smart. She was always testing me on what was going on in the world...
Turtle: I heard Pamela Anderson dropped another tit size

Skinner: You're asking me to betray them, to betray people that I care about.
Smoking Man [Laughs]: Oh no, I'm asking you to betray the whole human race.

Lizzie: Your service as my mother's lady-in-waiting shall never be forgotten, Lady Margaret.
Margaret: The meek shall inherit the earth. So the bible tells us.
[Lizzie rolls her eyes]

Clifford: Bitch, what are you going to do when you leave?
Mercedes: What all O.G.s do: Count my money.

Okay, good bye. G is for gone. O is for outside. Another O reaffirming the previous outside. D is for duh, as in it's a no brainer that she is outside. B is for bye, that's a part of the word. Y is for yes, you're on the right track with all of the letters thus far. E.. e, e, e.. eagle!

Tandy Miller

Tina: Did you just shut off the power grid?
Standish: Yes, Ma'am.

What do I have to be grateful for? I'm dead.


Charlie [about Jake]: I'm ready. Myra's ready. Is he ready?
Alan: Does he look ready?
Charlie: Well, he's not wearing any pants. That's ready for something

Elliot: Promise me those things will never hit toy shelves.
Parker: Neah, I'm keeping him all to myself. I've got them all lined up in my warehouse like an army of joy and rage.
Haridson: You never want to be in that warehouse alone. Ever.

Leela: What are we gonna do? Fry can't pretend to be both our boyfriends.
Fry: Sure I can. I learned how to handle delicate social situations from a little show called Three's Company.
Zapp: I'd like to impose a toast on the happy couple. Down the hatch!
Mrs. Wong: Hear, hear! Now let's have a kiss!
Zapp: Yes, Fry. Plant one on your woman.
Fry: Um, let me think. Come and knock on our door, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh. Uh, Mr. Roper-
Mr. Wong: What's the hold up? Kiss my daughter already!
Farnsworth: Wait, I'm confused. Now tell me, Fry, which one of these ladies are you involved with?
Fry: Uh... (He hums the theme to Three's Company again)

Okay, this little guy's comin' home with me. (Pets the dog) Ooh! Who's going to get neutered tomorrow? You are! Oh, yes you are!

</i> Lisa