Hey, where the hell is my...oh! OK. Introduction to Contract Tort and Restitution Statutes from 1865 to 1923 is not a coaster! Ted! I'm jeopardizing my law career so you can throw, not one, not two, but three parties for some girl that you just met who's probably not even going to show up. I mean, where is she, Ted, huh? Where's Robin? [turns around and sees Robin] Hi. Hi, Robin


Jenny: You were treating me like a lady!
Frank 'The Body' Gibiatti: And I watch ladies pee!
Tug: He watches every lady pee!
Frank: Not every lady.
Tug: That's the only way he can get hard!

Bryan: She's a great kisser.
Peter: I second that.
Bryan: He got my sloppy seconds.
Ellen: So we know that he kisses and tells.

Ari [referring to Harvey]: You're gonna tell him in person?
Eric: That's right.
Ari: What I wouldn't pay to see that.
Eric: Yeah, well save your money for botox Ari, all that negativity's starting to take its toll.
Ari: Call waiting, later loser

Allison: If I were Carrie Mathison, what would you be doing right now?
Saul: Excuse me?
Allison: You heard me.
Saul: Exactly what I am doing.
Allison: Bullshit. The gloves would be off, you'd be protecting her at all costs, no matter what she did, no matter how royally she screwed off. [Saul protests] Well guess what, she's gone Saul, so start showing some fucking allegiance to the people who stuck around to support you.

He's very enthusiastic.


I believe every one of us is going to miss Jimmy Johnson.


And you wanna add a fifth child so we can field our own volleyball team?


Another high alert stands for terrorist activity this weekend. The government says that bad things are likely to happen. Meanwhile the world continues to back down from their support of the United States saying that they were really only kidding to begin with.

News Reporter

I am the finder, you are the catchers.


Jenny: Let's not take our grief out on each other, okay? I'm sorry.
Muna: I never understood why you left your ER doctor job. A job healing people.
Jenny: I did it so that Ross and I could have a more balanced life.
Muna: If today proved anything, it's that your life is more unbalanced than ever. And so are you.
Jenny: I'm sorry, what?
Muna: You have a very unhealthy fascination with death. And the worst part is ...
Jenny: Oh, wow.
Muna: I think you like it. First your sister, then my David. All these people, these bodies, that man in your well. It would break David's heart, all of this ...
Jenny: Muna, David is dead, okay?! His heart is the least of his problems. Do you ...?
Ross: We can hear you yelling.
Jenny: Oh shit. Um. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. That was, that was a horrible, it was a horrible thing to say.
Ross: Look, I think that we're all just a little bit hangry right now. Maybe we could just go eat?

Margo: OK, what does she think I did?
Fen: Well, very few fairies who knew you are still alive today, and the rest just know the story of High King Margo, which over the centuries shifted with each retelling.
Margo: So I’m being boned by a giant game of telephone?
Fen: No, no, no, no phone games are fun. This, not so much. See, you say, ‘You made peace.’ They say, ‘You destroyed their realm and allowed fairy hunts for sport.’ It’s a real potato, potato.
Margo: No it’s potato, po-massive fucking lie.