ADDISON: "There is a land called Passive Agressiva, and I am their queen."
DEREK: [smiles] "That's all I'm saying... except when you're shrieking about trout."

MARK: "I don't want to adjust."
ADDISON: "Then go home."
MARK: "If you'd had the baby, we'd be together in New York right now; it wouldn't be raining and even if it was, we wouldn't care because we'd be together. We'd be together. And I'd have a family instead of walking pneumonia and an ex-best friend who hates me."
ADDISON: "You didn't want to raise a child, Mark. You just wanted to trump Derek, and to win."
MARK: "Don't make this my fault. You didn't want a baby."
ADDISON: "No, I did want a baby, Mark! I just didn't want a baby with you."

DEREK: "Hey! Good Morning Addison!"
ADDISON: "What's that supposed to mean?"
DEREK: "It's a greeting. Used in civilized cultures by their civilized inhabitants."
ADDISON: "You're smiling."
DEREK: "Yeah, it's called happiness. I understand why you wouldn't recognize it."
ADDISON: "Woah, woah, woah, wait, wait wait. We're, uh, being mature about this."
DEREK: "Yes, we are going to peacefully coexist in this hospital. Unless you've reconsidered moving back to New York. [pauses] Okay then, we will peacefully coexist."
ADDISON: "Interesting."

ADDISON: "I thought you were room service."
DEREK: "I feel terrible. I'm not proud of what I did. You deserve better. I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry about the panties, the prom. I'm sorry I did that."
ADDISON: "Yeah. I'm sorry I did that, too."
DEREK: "Our marriage is over."
ADDISON: "Yeah. I guess it is."
DEREK: "It's all my fault. This is incredibly sad. Incredibly sad." [Bathroom door opens]
MARK: "This is awkward."
DEREK: [looks at Addison] "I feel much better now."

DEREK: "What do you want from me, Addison?"
ADDISON: "I want you to care. I sleep with your best friend, and you walk away. Then he comes out here from New York and rubs it in your face, and you still get a good night's sleep. What do I have to do? Oh, I know. Maybe what I should do is go out on a date with the vet, because that seems to be something that sends you into a blinding rage. Oh, but wait. That won't work either because I'm not Meredith Grey."

ALEX: "I would notice."
ADDISON: "What?"
ALEX: "I would notice...if you were missing, I would notice."

MARK: "Twenty-eight more days and then it's you and me in a locked room for record breaking, earth shattering, mind blowing..."
ADDISON: "I got it. Thank you."

DEREK: "Meredith, I am so sorry. Addison. What are you doing here?"
ADDISON: "Well you'd know if you'd bothered to return any one of my phone calls."
MEREDITH: [confused]
ADDISON: "Hi, I'm Addison Shepherd."
MEREDITH: "Shepherd?"
ADDISON: "And you must be the woman who's been screwing my husband."
MEREDITH: [silence]

ADDISON: "You want Ava."
ALEX: "She's not Ava anymore. She's Rebecca and I barely know her."
ADDISON: [pauses] "Look at me. Look at me! You suck. To me, you suck. I kind of hate you. But Alex, you do not get unlimited chances to have the things we want. And this I know. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could change your life. No matter what her name is, she'll always be Ava to you."

CALLIE: "George kissed me. Yesterday. One minute he's holding a urine bag, the next minute he's kissing me. You think he's just freaking out about his dad? Yeah, you're right, he's probably just freaking out, I shouldn't hold him to it."
ADDISON: "What?"
CALLIE: "Did you not hear a word I said? I'm pouring my heart out here. Jeez, it's all about you isn't it? It's all about- Everything's about Addison."
ADDISON: "I aborted Mark's baby."
CALLIE: "It is all about you. Floor's all yours."

DEREK: "Where is she?"
RICHARD: "You had to be the cowboy..."
DEREK: "Where is she?!"
ADDISON: "Derek! Thank God, you're alive."
ADELE: "That is not the she he was asking for."

DEREK: "You know what I like? I like that we're civilized. We're these adult grown-up people who can be divorced and friendly. We deserve a medal."
ADDISON: "It wasn't a one night stand."
DEREK: "What?"
ADDISON: "Mark and I, it wasn't a one-night stand. I was in love with him. Or at least I thought I was. After you left, we lived together for two months. I wanted to believe that we could make it work, that I hadn't thrown my marriage away, that I hadn't thrown my life away on a fling. But he's Mark, and, well, I caught him with someone else, and then Richard called. We both had relationships with other people. We're both equally liable for everything, so please... take the brownstone."
DEREK: [pauses] "All I want is Seattle. I want Seattle and want never to see you again."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
