Naomi: I can't believe you brought that homeopathic tea with you, that's so stupid.
Adrianna: It's kind of addictive.

At some point you're gonna have to stop trying to make everyone else happy because Silver's only trying to make herself happy.

Being with you is all the air and food I need.

I go to like five auditions per week. So I may be tired sometimes... but it doesn't mean I'm on drugs!

We're fine. Navid and I have each other. We always will.

You're kind of an amazing kisser.

Adrianna: That was pretty sappy.
Navid: That's one of the side effects of being a nice guy.

Whether I like it or not, I'm having this baby.

I'm so sick of reading about how screwed up I am on the bathroom walls.

Adrianna: There are a lot of deserving people who can't have kids.
Naomi: I know, I saw Juno, too.

I'm getting pity flowers from the faculty. I thought they only did that with the 12th grader in the body cast.

Navid, we can't keep this baby.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
