Freedom is just a pretty way to say you've gone off the grid. That you're out of options.

Aidan: She's asked me to help lead Boston.
Josh: Mother? Am I supposed to be clutching my pearls in shock? Because I'm not. Shocked.

Why are there ghosts in there punching each other in the balls?

Sally: I have a room full of teenage boys. Before beating off and playing X-Box what do they do?
Aidan: That about covers it. Get them out of here!

Aidan: Okay, I am seeing someone, and she has a pulse.
Sally: Squee!

Josh: Oh, and this you're gonna love. They want to help me find a cure.
Aidan: Bastards!

We don't have to fit 80 years into a week.

But you know what, don't be home alone. There's a girl down the hall in 305 and she's marathoning the original 90210 and I think Donna Martin Graduates is up next! And then I will come straight home and we can do this.

It was the only way. I told Suren that you would deliver the orphans to us. In exchange, she'd spare you.

Aidan: I made him, Josh. He's my son.
Josh: Did you make him without skin?!

Aidan: He's not getting any better and he needs food.
Sally: Oh, are we talking take out that comes in a bag or the kind with a pulse? You know what? Bring him a whole herd of cattle. What do I care.

Tommy, I've only been at this a few weeks.

Being Human Quotes

Every human spends a night or two on the dark side and regrets it. But what if you only exist - on the dark side?


We're all hiding something, aren't we? From the moment we wake, look in that little mirror, all we do is spin our little lies.
