[to Meredith, about failing his boards] "If I tell Izzie, she'll be all supportive and... she might as well just rip my nads off and turn them into earrings."

Alex: I felt bad that I had to sit with you all night so you didn't cry yourself to sleep over your sad premie.
Morgan: He has a brain bleed!

Arizona: What’s wrong with your face?
Alex: I like your hair.
Arizona: What did you do?

What happens in Vegas, ya know?

Meredith: Surgery has started.
Cristina: Hey, have they started the surgery yet?
Alex: Yep.
Intern: Dr. Grey, we were wondering did Dr. Stevens' surgery start yet? Or...
Meredith: Keep it moving. No loitering in the OR hallway, that's the rule.
Alex: If they wanna stay, let them stay. People are better than no people.

Alex: I said go away.
Meredith: You left the door unlocked. That's bold.

She looked like a hamster when she first came out.

Cristina: Have you hit that?
Alex: Nah, she only goes for attendings. Next year.

It's really not cool to mess with someone's head like this.

SYDNEY: "Anyone want to probe the wound?"
ALEX: "I'd really love to try your method of healing with love."
SYDNEY: "I like the way you think, Alex. You do the honors."

Shepherd just kicked me off neuro because I don't piss myself every time I see a spine. The guy is a douche.

ALEX: "Hey."
ADDISON: "I was gonna go get a drink. You wanna head over to Joe’s?"
ALEX: "Yeah, I’m kinda under about this test."
ADDISON: "Okay. You know, um, I took that test once upon a time. We could, um, go back to my hotel... I could quiz you."
ALEX: "Look, uh, this isn’t... you’re not my girlfriend, okay?"
ADDISON: "What?"
ALEX: "No offense, today was awesome. It’s just, I’m really busy, I have a lot of work. I don’t have time for ..."
ADDISON: "No, of course. Study. It’s what you’re here for, right?"

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
