Ricky: Hey, if you can make a man out of me, you can make a dress out of that pile of rags.
Amy: I didn't make a man out of you, you did.

Amy: Why would you think I'm going to back out of the wedding now?
Ricky: Because you bought that dress.

Amy: She was world famous at one time.
Ricky: And then she made that dress?

Kathy: It's a new year, and they want me to get off the right start; go back to where I was before I got pregnant. Impossible.
Amy: Well, maybe you can at least go back to where you left off a little wiser.

The power of suggestion is really strong.

You lied to me. I know you and I know you lied.

Dreams change, I just want to be married to you.

Amy: I hate myself when I don't trust you. You're the best husband in the world.
Ricky: I'm not your husband.
Amy: Yeah we have to do something about that.

Ricky: Amy you're just gonna have to trust me.
Amy: I don't have to do anything.

Grace: I always wanted a sister.
Amy: I've always wanted a nice sister.

Lauren: I don't think you're their favorite friend.
Amy: Madison slept with your boyfriend.
Lauren: But she never got pregnant.

It's important to have friends. Girlfriends. Not just a boyfriend or guy friends, girlfriends.