Dixon: You have the worst taste in music.
Annie: Shut up! I am your Mango!

Does it ever occur to you that maybe it's not an act? That maybe I'm a nice person?

If you don't tell Naomi the truth, she's gonna ruin me.

I'm innocent and she's a bitch. I'm gonna expose her for what she is.

Navid: I'm worried about you.
Annie: Don't be.

Jasper: Promise when you're a big movie star, you won't forget about me.
Annie: I'll need someone to get me coffee.

Annie: I love you.
Jasper: That's not your line.
Annie: I know.

I want my first time to be with you.

Annie: Your girlfriend faked a miscarriage. Sounds like a real winner.
Dixon: Go to Hell.

Annie: You're not gonna tell any stupid jokes during dinner, right?
Harry: When you say stupid, you mean hilarious, right?

Debbie: Jasper is odd.
Annie: You don't even know him.

You have no idea who I am anymore!


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
