You can control what I do at home, but not what I do at school.

You put me through Hell, Naomi.

Annie: It's complicated.
Naomi: What's complicated about it? He's a drug dealer.

Naomi: You should actually come with us, the shops are still open for another 20 minutes and i'm still looking for the perfect LGD.
Adrianna: Little gold dress.
Annie: Ah, of course.

I'm looking for a car that represents a whole new chapter in my life. Something that says Thelma and Louise, without the falling-off-the-cliff part.

Deb: These are allergies.
Annie: And what are you allergic to, mom?
Deb: Senior year.

You sure they don't offer these hormones in Flintstones chewable?

Naomi: If you show up with a raincoat and nothing underneath...
Annie: I'm not wearing a raincoat.
Naomi: Fine. Be a prude.

Annie: Where's the underwear part?
Naomi: They're crotchless.

I just slept with my boyfriend's brother, in my brother's bed. This is so wrong, on so many levels.

Dixon: You freak out over hairless dogs.
Annie: Yeah, because they're gross. All that skin!

Emily: I totally get why you are so HOH over him.
Annie: I am not HOH... where do you even get that?


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
