It's time I stop writing checks and started kicking ass.

Mitchell Nash

Why does every guy think that the answer to a girl's problems is to get a guy.

Pretty soon I'm going to hell...don't need to add to that by defrocking a priest.

I just really need to stop being distracted by everybody.

Having it come out that I was a prostitute is the last thing that I need.

Naomi, this is a doctor's office not Girls Gone Wild.

Annie: Is that a Renoir?
Madison: Just a sketch.

I thought God wasn't supposed to be vindictive?

Dixon was in a car accident Adrianna. He's in the hospital fighting for his life and the only thing he's asking for is you.

Hey remember yesterday when you were not a dick for like 5 minutes? Can we do more of that?

Maybe the real question is how was your relationship before the accident?

Riley: I like you.
Annie: I don't know what to say.
Riley: How about I like you too, now take me back to your place and let's rotate those tires.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


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